Thursday, April 19, 2012

Respond: not react

My interest in government and advocacy has always been high.  In the last two years, I have become more involved as an advocate which fed my desire to serve as an elected official. This week I  announced my intention to run for Miami County District 2 County Commissioner and I am very excited about this opportunity.  The response has been positive from our community and I am looking forward to this campaign.  I have appreciated hearing from community members offering their support and sharing their concerns with me.

So why District 2? Didn't Roberts vote for Title X? Are you running because of the controversy over birth control?  I would like to take this opportunity to clear up these misconceptions.

  1. I am running in District 2 because that is where I live.  I cannot decide to run in a district in which I do not live, but I do believe it is important to be connected with our community.  
  2. Rob Roberts did vote in favor of applying for Title X.  Within the commission Mr. Roberts did speak up and support the importance of keeping Title X funding in Miami County. As a concerned citizen, I reached out to other community members and asked them to support a movement to let the commission know the importance of Title X.  I have also been in contact with Gov. Brownback and requested his support in getting Title X funding back in Miami County.  
  3. I am not running for office as a reaction.  As an advocate I believe in the importance of being proactive and operating in a collaborative way.  Within the Miami County Commission too many decisions are made as reactions to our state and local legislation rather than working with higher levels of government to let them know how their legislation affects us here in Miami County Kansas.  I am running for office because I believe my skills would be of good service to our community.
Paid for by:Committee to Elect Callie

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I know how I do it

My dear friend, Christy Dreiling, recommended the movie "I don't know how she does it" to me recently. This is a must see for all mothers who work outside the home. I will give a disclaimer that I do not support the view that women who stay home with their children full-time do not work. (It is mildly suggested in this film as a strike of humor) The support of some of my friends that are stay at home mothers is part of "how I do it".

 As women we are held to a very high standard in society. We must show that our children are perfect and our careers are to run smoothly beside a clean home and well manicured lawn. I would also argue that we must show some struggle, some battle wounds, some proof that our situation wasn't just handed to us. These ideas are confusing to me and I cannot locate the source. Is this an idea that we as women have put on ourselves? Do we compete to prove ourselves and in turn make others feel the guilt of not maintaining the perfect working female balance?

 I guess my bottom line statement is, "I do know how I do it". As you see in the movie, it is a constant juggle. But this juggle is something I enjoy. I work hard to maintain a career that I love and a happy family. I have a story of how I got to where I am today, but it doesn't hold a tale of struggle.  It is a tale of encouragement and hard work ethic that my parents taught me.    I am passionate about learning new skills and ideas. I love my life, as fast paced and wild as it may seem, it has balance and happiness from many realms of life that all work together to make me who I am. My kids are busy and so are my husband and I. Therefore I cannot take complete credit for them doing so good for as busy as they are. My kids live in a family and a community that cares for them and supports them. This is a key tool for "how I do it". As for my juggling act; I hope I'm not making it look too easy. Being a working mother is not easy. But being a mother of any kind is not easy. The thing is, mothering is not a competition. So as women lets stop competing, and start building one another up.

I love my children, my husband, my friends and family! Thank you for all you do to support my juggling act.

Any mother could perform the jobs of several air traffic controllers with ease.  ~Lisa Alther