Forks Over Knives Reflection By: Clare Benton age 8
I thought is was very inspiring. About how the lady lost her diabetes. The part that is most breathe taking to me is that 90% of the average Americans eat fried food and fake food. Not only does it make you lose energy it may make you sick or make you be in risk of heart attack or death. A vegan lifestyle is for someone like us. Did you know you might love veggies and you maybe very skinny but your kids can get fat and it might happen so quick you might think they are a balloon? You notice on this documentary you do not see skinny people eating cakes, cookies, or a happy meal it is the fat people eating crud like that. You all who read this will love this reflection. I believe if you set your mind to it you can do it. Lay off your drugs. You can die from drugs your doctor prescribes everyday. I hope you enjoy this, then you should watch the movie.
Forks Over Knives Reflection By: Rudy Benton age 8
I thought is was INSPIRING! It made me think about being a vegan, something else that inspired me to be a vegan is Christy Dryling (sp). One thing people do when they put fast food in their body is killing themselves. I have decided to be a vegan, you may decide to also be a vegan after I tell you most people with diabetes get it from this eating too much diary and animal products. Have you decided yet? It was cool how many scientist are on this case. I like the part when the athlete becomes a vegan. I thought what a great achievement in life. People have life changing experiences.
Forks Over Knives Reflection By: Emily Benton age 11
Forks over Knives has a feeling that even though those doctors could not talk back to you, they were trying to help you. They let you now that you may not be the only person who believes that you could die from diary and meat. Some people stop eating meat because they think it is wrong to eat an animal while others believe that eating meat your whole life could cause your blood stream to get clogged. Both of these are correct. Meats can cause your blood stream to stop flowing. You do not need meat, there are proteins in plants and grains. People say that you need milk for it's calcium, while the truth is it can cause your bones to weaken and even shrink. Most kids do not want their bones to weaken and shrink during a sport. People also believe they need caffeine to get through the day. While sugars and caffeine will cause you to get super hyper you will soon crash. Sometimes if you are unlucky you won't get hyper you will just crash. For more information on Forks Over Knives watch the movie or go to
From the mouths of my babes. I am very proud of their thoughtful reflections. We hope you all will take time to watch the film and consider cutting back on animal products.
watched it already, loved it, was inspired and have cut WAY back on animal products, and carefully choose which ones we do eat! I'm so proud of your kids, they are so awesome.